Un blog facut de mine,pentru a va informa pe dumneavoastra tot ce este nou in materie de jocuri si software.
31 dec. 2008
28 dec. 2008
Cel mai tare joc al anului 2008!!!

Cel mai tare joc al anului 2008,in opinia celer de la Gamespot este “Metal Gear Solid 4:Guns of the patriots(PS3)”.
O poveste excelenta si o grafica excelenta egal “success”(cred ca asta si-au spus cei de la Konami atunci cand au creat jocul).
Ceea ce ma surprinde este ca acest joc facut doar pentru PS3, a avut mai multe voturi decat Fallout 3, de exemplu, care este pentru PC,X-BOX si PS3.
Sa speram ca anul urmator producatorii isi vor da din de in ce mai tare silinta si ne vor oferii jocuri pe care nu le vom uita.
22 dec. 2008
Free 3ds max models
Planet earth and moon - 0$
(3D-surface,clouds,atmosphere and moon)

Bugatti Veyron - 0$
2006 model of Bugatti Veyron at incredible price of 0$(200$-other sites)

BMW M3 model-50$
Mesh type: Polygonal
Materials included: Yes
Textures included: Yes

F-22 Raptor-200$
Geometry: Polygonal
Polygons: 564,276
Vertices: 384,763
Textures: Yes
Materials: Yes

If yo want one of this products,please leve a comment with you're model that you want and you're e-mail adress(not publish).Thx.Peace*****
(3D-surface,clouds,atmosphere and moon)

Bugatti Veyron - 0$
2006 model of Bugatti Veyron at incredible price of 0$(200$-other sites)

BMW M3 model-50$
Mesh type: Polygonal
Materials included: Yes
Textures included: Yes

F-22 Raptor-200$
Geometry: Polygonal
Polygons: 564,276
Vertices: 384,763
Textures: Yes
Materials: Yes

If yo want one of this products,please leve a comment with you're model that you want and you're e-mail adress(not publish).Thx.Peace*****
19 dec. 2008
Nvidia reveals GeForce GTX 295

The card will have two GT200 GPUs for a total of 480 processing cores, twice as many cores as Nvidia's flagship single-GPU card, the GeForce GTX 280. The new GPUs will have a 576 MHz core clock and a 1242 MHz shader clock. That's slightly slower than the GTX 280's 602 MHz core and 1296 MHz shader clocks, but the GTX 295 still wins in the GPU quantity column. The card will also have 1,792 MB of onboard GDDR3 memory clocked at 1,998 MHz.
12 dec. 2008
Prince of Persia 2008

Prince of Persia is its own worst enemy. On one hand the team at Ubisoft Montreal has created an absolutely stunning game world and possibly the most useful AI character in years. On the other, it's streamlined the series' trademark platforming so much it might as well be on rails, left combat mainly pointless and made it actually impossible for you to die. Plus we want to punch the new American Prince in the face.
But before we go off on one, the new Prince of Persia does get some things right. Elika, your new right hand magical princess, achieves everything the developer promised she would. Rare for an AI partner.
She hardly ever gets in your way and unlike the dodgy computer characters of the past, Elika's clever head makes sure she doesn't get stuck in the scenery or stupidly walk into a fight and die. Most of the time, you hardly notice she's there, which is a good thing.
She's an aid rather than a liability; fall down in combat and she'll revive you, tap Y (or triangle) and she'll jump in for some monster-blasting tag-team moves. It's an impressive achievement that Elika doesn't feel like a hindrance in both platforming and combat, but in creating this one triumph Ubisoft sacrificed a lot of what makes Prince of Persia so great.
Platforming, the heart and sole of Prince of Persia, feels dumb-ed down. For the first few sections of the Prince's adventure you'll sprint up walls and swing from vines, and you'll enjoy it.
The acrobatic spectacle is fast, fluid brilliantly animated. Unfortunately, you'll quickly figure out that it's almost as on-rails as a Time Crisis gun fight.
You can't go anywhere the game doesn't want you to go; the entire world is basically designed like a Tony Hawk's skate route through the level, with (admittedly gorgeous) stretches of jumps, chasms, walls vines and wall hoops to swing from. Where platforming's concerned you can't go off route, at all.
Once you've initiated a string of platforming moves, it all feels like a big, disguised QTE sequence. A wall means pressing A/X, a hoop means pressing circle/B and magic double-jumps means pressing triangle/Y. It looks great, but feels totally safe and disconnected, which is a shame.
Unless you're actually touching the analogue stick - which isn't a good idea at all in Prince of Persia's platforming - it's almost impossible to fail. And even if you do, Elika's magic hand will simply hoist you to where you started.
To be fair, having an instant checkpoint on hand does reduce some of the frustration of running all the way back to your point of death, but in the process the tension and risk generated from taking that one giant leap of faith is eliminated.
The satisfaction of nailing a timed wall jump, and the thrill of swinging from post to post and gracefully ascending to your destination is dead when the whole spectacle has been turned into essentially a big exercise of timed button presses. Oh, and did we mention you can't die either.
Review from http://www.computerandvideogames.com
11 dec. 2008
Cele mai bune jocuri de facut cadou

Dupa cum stiti,peste 2 saptamani vine craciunul iar Mosu’ se intreaba, care sunt cele mai bune jocuri de facut cadou?
Anu’ acesta Mosu’ are un “ass in maneca”,pe cei de la gamespot care au facut un top,cum era de asteptat de altfel,a celor mai bune jocuri de facut cadou!!!
Acestea sunt:
PC- 1)Crisys Warhead
2)Sinse of a Solar Empire
X-BOX 360- 1)Gears of war 2
2)Fallout 3
3)Dead space
Play Station 3- 1) Grand Theft Auto IV
2) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
3) Little Big Planet
Nitendo WII- 1) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
3)No more heroes
7 dec. 2008
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand

Nici nu stiu cum sa incep.Si asta deoarece jocul “50 Cent: Blood on the Sand”,
dezvoltat de THQ pentru PlayStation 3 si Xbox 360,mi se pare o mica/mare porcarie.
Adica impresionantu,incredibilu,fitzosu “50 cent” se va bate cu toata lumea pentru :“un cap de mort”.
“50 Cent: Blood on the Sand features interactive counter-kills that let the player take control of the finishing moves. And for the first time in a game, 50 Cent finds himself behind the wheel and flight stick in a variety of driving missions and aerial combat challenges. It also comes packed with more exclusive unreleased music from 50 Cent and G-Unit, that provides a new arsenal of beats to listen to as the player battles to regain control of 50's possession’s”(IGN.com).
Jocul se va lansa 19 Ianuarie 2009 si va costa 59.99$.Adica nu 60$,ci 59.99$ =))
5 dec. 2008
Conquiztador Killer free download
Daca vreti sa castigati la Conquiztador si nu stiti cum,avem noi solutia.
Folositi Conquiztador Killer.Un cheat folosit ilegal care va selecteaza raspunsul corect sau va scrie nr corect.
Daca vreti programul lasati un coment cu adresa de mess si va contactez eu.
Folositi Conquiztador Killer.Un cheat folosit ilegal care va selecteaza raspunsul corect sau va scrie nr corect.
Daca vreti programul lasati un coment cu adresa de mess si va contactez eu.
1 dec. 2008
World in conflict

World in conflict este un “real-time tactical video game”,dezvoltat de firma suedeza de jocuri Massive Entertainmen,si publicat de Sierra Entertainment ,pentru PC.
Jocul a fost lansat in 18-Septembrie-2007 si inca din primele zile de la lansare toata lumea la ridicat in salvi.
Acţiunea din World in Conflict se desfăşoară în timpul Războiului Rece şi nu prea, deoarece avem de-a face cu o istorie alternativă. Una în care Zidul Berlinului nu este desfiinţat în 1989 iar sateliţii sovietici din Europa de Est nu-şi recapătă independenţa politică, pentru a contribui la căderea URSS din 1991. URSS însă, anticipând acest colaps, amenință statele libere ale lumii, cerând sprijin global din partea ONU pentru ideologia comunistă. Naţiunile Unite ignoră acest santaj, rezultatul fiind că URSS atacă forţele militare NATO și statele Europei de Vest, angrenând şi Statele Unite în acest conflict. Aşa începe cel de-al treilea război mondial, în care din fericire nu se face uz de arme nucleare decât la nivel tactic, asupra unităţilor inamice. Trec astfel patru luni, în care armata americană alocă masiv trupe si infrastructură pentru lupta de pe frontul european împotriva rusilor.
URSS surprinde insa,pe toata lumea,printr-un atac surpriza impotriva Stateler Unite.
Prin Seattle ,aramata rusa incepandu-si sa-si croiasa drum prin SUA.De aici incepe si firul epic al jocului,jucatorul fiind pus un locotenent(Parker) care are in subordine un mic battalion.Cu acest battalion jucatorul este surprins in momentele lui de glories au fuga disperata pentru supravietuire. Interesant este că între misiuni şi în momentele de respiro vei asculta povestiti ale oamenilor prinsi în acest război neprevăzut (la fel ca și în Operation Flashpoint, sunt arătate pe scurt diferite imagini din viețile diferitelor personaje şi nu numai). Astfel, povestea este fără îndoială una dintre cele mai atrăgătoare părți ale single-player-ului, un lucru rar pentru un joc de strategie.
La inceputul fiecarei misiuni jucatorul isi va putea comanda cate unitati va dori in limita punctelor pe care le primeste.In timpul misiuni el va primi puncte pentru fiecre inamic distrus de unitatile sale.Aceste puncte pot fi folosite ulterior pentru chema diverse atacuri aeriene asupra inamicului.(fiecare atac aerian costand dupa complexitatea lui de la 5-puncte(atac aerian slab) pana la 50(bomba nucleara)).
World in conflict este pana acum ,cel mai bun joc de strategie, desemnat de cela mai bune site-uri de jocuri din lume avand cele mai mari note.
Pot sa spun ca acest joc a fost aproape perfect.
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