Nici nu stiu cum sa incep.Si asta deoarece jocul “50 Cent: Blood on the Sand”,
dezvoltat de THQ pentru PlayStation 3 si Xbox 360,mi se pare o mica/mare porcarie.
Adica impresionantu,incredibilu,fitzosu “50 cent” se va bate cu toata lumea pentru :“un cap de mort”.
“50 Cent: Blood on the Sand features interactive counter-kills that let the player take control of the finishing moves. And for the first time in a game, 50 Cent finds himself behind the wheel and flight stick in a variety of driving missions and aerial combat challenges. It also comes packed with more exclusive unreleased music from 50 Cent and G-Unit, that provides a new arsenal of beats to listen to as the player battles to regain control of 50's possession’s”(IGN.com).
Jocul se va lansa 19 Ianuarie 2009 si va costa 59.99$.Adica nu 60$,ci 59.99$ =))
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