Gothic 3 - Forsaken Gods este un expansion pentru RPG-ul “Gothic 3”, care face legătura între Gothic 3 şi Gothic 4, titlu dezvoltat de studiourile Spellbound Entertainment.
“Liezen, Austria, April 14th 2008; JoWooD Productions announces the official Add-On for the award winning roleplaying game Gothic 3. Gothic 3 – Forsaken Gods will answer many open questions and guarantee a seamless step to Gothic 4. Once more you take on the role of the nameless Hero and again you have to raise your sword in anger to save the world of Gothic. On your journey you will meet old friends – but be careful, some old alliances may not have lasted the test of time….
JoWood is working on the expansion and the feedback from fans is extremely important to the developer of Gothic 3 - Forsaken Gods. The game designer and developer are studying the Gothic message boards each day and will incorporate as many of the fan-wishes as possible while working on the extension."
Cerinte PC:
- Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP or Windows XP 64 Bit
- 512 Mb System RAM
- 2.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4, Athlon XP or equivalent processor
- 128MB DirectX compatible video card
- DirectX 9.0c
- 4x DVD-ROM drive
- 4.6 GB free hard disk space
- DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
- Keyboard and Mouse.
Astept comentari:x
RăspundețiȘtergeregotic 3 face totii bani...fa ma si tu un preview...nu mai scrie chestii in engleza :D...orikm fain blog :X
RăspundețiȘtergereAzi am inceput sa joc gothic 3 forsaken gods.
RăspundețiȘtergereToate gothicurile au fost foarte bune, le-am terminat pe toate. Abia astept sa vina Gothic 4. E anuntat pentru 2009, can't wait!:D
Am modificat.Am fost neinformat si am scris ca "va aparea in 2009".Dar jocul a aparut deja.