Google Chrome este un browser proiectat pentru a face navigarea pe Web mai rapidă, mai uşoară şi mai sigură. Este rezultatul combinării unui design minimal cu o tehnologie sofisticată.
Iinterfata aduce a o combinatie pe jumatate reusita intre mac si windows
Google chrome isi separa tab-urile in procese separate care pot fi inchise direct din task manager. daca o pagina iti face probleme nu ti se crash-uieste tot browserul ci doar tab-ul in cauza.
“Google Chrome is a web browser project by Google. It was leaked yesterday, and Google held a press conference to announce the launch of Chrome. With Chrome, Google hopes to bring the best of various browsers and code, like Firefox and WebKit (WebKit is used by Safari too).
Google may well have been forced into a damage control mode, as the first bit of news that we knew was Chrome’s information being leaked. Furthermore, Linux and Mac versions have not been launched - that leaves a large number of Google fans displeased.”
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